Tag Archives: talking parrot breeds

Parrot Tricks: Proven Ways to Get Your Pet Bird Talking

When most people hear the word “parrot”, they think of a bird that talks a lot. It is amazing to hear these adorable pet birds mimic whatever they hear, making it easy to teach your parrot tricks. Unfortunately, they will mimic both good and bad words, so that is something to keep in mind when you are around your pet. Since your bird has the ability to learn to talk, why not make use of the opportunity. This will create a bond between you and your pet bird, while increasing your bird’s vocabulary each day. Use these simple tips to get your parrot talking in no time.

Choosing a Parrot

There are various species of parrots, some of which doesn’t have the ability to talk. Some of the best talking parrot species include the African Grey, Macaws, Budgies, Quakers, and Amazon parrots. Even though some parrots may be capable of talking, some have the ability to speak more clearly than others. The extent to how well your bird will talk, depends on the species, how often they are talked to, and basic training. You also have to consider how much noise level you can tolerate. Some talking parrots may mimic words in a high pitched voice, while others are more smooth talkers.

Tips for Parrot Training

Get rid of all distractions when you are about to teach your parrot to talk. Choose a quiet location that is free of background noise such as the television. Stand in front of your parrot and say the words that you would like it to learn. Begin training either in the mornings or evenings, and start with words that contains two or three syllables. Reinforce the training by connecting words to objects. For example, if you are giving your parrot a toy or a treat, say the word of the thing while you are handing it to the bird. Teach actionable words such as up or down, while doing the action at the same time. The training sessions should be short, not exceeding 15 minutes during each session. Your bird will catch on faster if words or phrases are repeated often. Your pet bird may not repeat back the words to you immediately, as it is common for parrots to store things in their memory and repeat it back at a later time.

Encouragement Sweetens Labor

Keep your parrot motivated with rewards whenever there is an achievement. This will encourage your bird to grasp new words and do exceptionally well during training sessions. You may use various rewards such as your bird’s favorite treats or choose colorful toys that grabs its attention. Above all else, keep your bird happy and healthy at all times. Humans don’t learn well when they are unhappy, and so do birds. Make sure that your parrot is well fed and kept in a clean cage.