Tag Archives: flea and tick prevention

Flea and Tick Control for Your Beloved Pets

Flea and tick infestation is dreaded by pets and their owners alike. These pesky parasites are more rampant during the summer months or in some cases all year round, depending on the temperature in certain parts of the country. Your pet doesn’t have to be around other infested animals to become infested. When fleas bite, they cause severe itching, which may eventually result in skin inflammation and infection. Some dogs are affected more than others by flea bites. Certain breeds of dogs or puppies can become severely anemic as a result of blood loss. Find out how you can control flea and tick by applying some of these suggestions.

Signs of Flea

Learning to recognize the symptoms of flea is important, as it gives you the opportunity to act quickly. By being aware, you can save your pet from flea bites and quickly get rid of them before they cause more damage. Although flea bite causes itching, their saliva can also cause allergic reaction. The most common signs that something is wrong is usually when your dog starts to bite his legs, tail or other areas of its body, as well as scratching uncontrollably, licking and chewing.

Tick infestation

Prevent tick infestation by taking preventative measures. Ticks can transfer diseases such as Lyme disease. It may not be easy to detect tick bites on your pet, so its best to take precautions before it gets to that point. Do simple things such as carefully checking your pet for any signs of tick and taking steps to reduce the chances of infestation. You may also use flea and tick control products, which repel ticks before they can bite your pet.

Controlling the Infestation

If your dog, cat or other pets are infested by flea and tick, in addition to treating the problem, you will also need to eliminate the remaining ticks, eggs or larvae. Using a steam cleaner is known to be effective, as the heat from the steam will help get rid of the parasites. In the process of getting rid of them, use a flea comb to help remove the remaining fleas and other debris from your pet’s hair. Depending on how severe the infestation is, you may need to discard all of your pet’s bedding. All this may seem like a lot of work, but it is worth taking these extra steps in order to keep your furry friends happy and healthy.