Tag Archives: adorable Halloween pet products online

Halloween and Pets: Keeping Your Pets Safe Trick-or-Treating

As Halloween approaches quickly, those who participate in it might want to involve the whole family including their pets. While this can be fun for your furry pets, you have to be aware of certain dangerous that are lurking around. Here are a few tips to keep you and your pets safe and happy while trick-or-treating.

Keeping Your Pet on a Leash at Halloween Night

If you decide to bring your dog trick-or-treating with you, you should start planning ahead of time. Make sure that you have a retractable pet leash ready, so that he/she is not running wildly in the midst of the chaos. Having a leash will also ensure that no one is giving him candy or he’s coming into contact with other dangers.

Deciding Whether to Bring Your Dog Trick-or-treating

Some pets are not into the crowd and excitement, so it may not be a wise idea to bring them out on Halloween night. If he doesn’t look like he’s in the mood to go walking on Halloween night, don’t force him. He may enjoy himself much better staying home snuggling up cozily with one of his favorite pet toy.

Dress your pets in cute Halloween costumes and make sure to take a lot of pictures for memories. When choosing costumes consider the climate you’re in. Although you want to keep it fun, you also want to make sure that your pet is warm and comfy while walking with you on trick-or-treat night.

Pet Trick-or-treat Treats

Bring your own Halloween pet treats with you if you decide to bring your furry friend out for trick-or-treating. This is a great way to get them involved in the fun and excitement. With your own treats, you can keep them entertained with natural fun treats and reward them when they are on their best behavior.

Keeping Your Pet Safe at Halloween

As we all know, trick-or-treating night involves tons of candies. While this is fun, especially for kids, this can be dangerous or even deadly if pets consume them. If you have kids at home, tell them about the dangerous of candies, especially chocolate, which is poisonous for dogs. The darker the chocolate is, the more dangerous it is.

Recognizing Chocolate Poisoning in Dogs

While out on Halloween night, keep a keen eye on your pet to make sure that kids are not giving him any candy or he’s not eating any stray ones that may be on the ground. Also, look for any signs that may indicate that your dog may have eaten something poisonous. Some symptoms may include rapid breathing, vomiting, diarrhea, trembling, rigidity of the muscles, higher than normal temperature, or seizure.