Trying to Decipher Weird Dog Behavior

If your dog is acting weird all of sudden, don’t panic just yet. Although some of these behaviors may seem strange to us humans, they have some sort of meaning in the animal world. Since dogs cannot communicate with words, they use a variety of methods, which may sometimes seem unusual. Some veterinarians have connected some of these behaviors to fear or environmental factors, starting from when the dogs were in their puppy stage. Learning to decipher these behavior can be beneficial to both you and your pet.

Walking in Circles

It is common for dogs to walk in circles before laying down. No one really know the actual reason for this. However, experts assumed that this dog ritual has been around since the days when dogs had to sleep outdoors. They usually circle to make sure that grass, snow or other debris were cushioned, making their sleep area more comfortable. Although most times this behavior may not be a cause for concern, if your dog always seem restless or find it difficult to get comfortable, you should bring him to the pet. Sometimes when dogs go around in a circle, they may be suffering from some type of neurological problems.

Dog Scooting Behavior

Your dog may start scooting or dragging his butt across the floor  or even on your carpet. This may seem bizarre, since you have never seen him doing it before. This strange dog behavior may develop as a result of infected anal glands, gastrointestinal worms or because their rectum may feel irritated. You should bring your pet to the vet, and if necessary, they may perform a certain procedure called anal gland expression.

Tail Biting

Another weird behavior, which may be puzzling to you, is when your dog starts to chew his own tail. This can be a sign of boredom, stress, anxiety, allergies or fleas. Your dog may inflict wounds, which may then result in infections. Since it may be difficult for you to determine the real reason for the tail biting, it is best to bring him to the veterinarian. There are also things that you can do at home to reverse this behavior. Make sure that you have toys for your pet to keep him occupied. Spending more one-on-one time with him can also help. Check out your pet’s environment to determine if there are any stress factors around. Always pay attention to your pet in order to quickly notice when strange behaviors develop suddenly.

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