Depression in Cats: The Best Ways to Perk up Your Cat

Cats can sometimes succumb to depression and their owners are not even aware of it. A cat’s life can become lonesome with nothing much to do but hang around the house. Lonesomeness is not the only thing that can trigger depression in cats. Some cats may take it really hard if someone from the family passes away or if you move with them to a different location. Unfortunately, cats are not capable of telling you how they feel. Therefore, you should get accustomed to the signs that may indicate the presence of feline depression.

The Most Common Symptoms

Knowing the signs of cat depression helps you to quickly give your cat the support that she needs. Look for signs of excessive sleeping, decrease in appetite, aggression, a change in activity levels and lack of grooming. These signs are easily recognizable if you are in tune with your cat’s behavior. You can help your cat get out of this dark mood with a few simple suggestions.

One-on-one Time

Lavish your cat with love and attention. Sit with your furry friend and talk. She may not be able to answer you, but she sure will hear the love in your voice. Show her how much you care by petting or cuddling her. These small adjustments can make a big difference in your cat’s mood. Everyone knows that cats love to chase mice. A great idea is to give your pet some fun mice cat toys to bring back the spark and the excitement.

Scratching Posts or Cat Tree

Cat Tree

Give your cat a scratching post
or a cat tree to scratch his frustration and boredom away. Cats have a natural instinct to scratch. If they get bored, they may start to scratch on your furniture or anything that looks attractive to them. Many cat trees are uniquely designed with a place at the top where your cat can go and relax if she wish to do so. In addition to all these suggestions, you should bring your cat to the vet to get a thorough checkup. With the right treatment and care at home, your cat will be back to her normal mischievous self again.

Dog Days of Summer: How to Keep Your Pets Cool

As the winter months roll away, the weather starts to warm up, getting hotter as summer approaches. Keeping your pets cool during these hot summer days is paramount. Depending on where you live, you may find yourself anticipating the months when the weather will become warm and sunny. Your pets are also diligently watching and waiting for this time of the year as well. They can’t wait to let loose and run wild in the wind and sun. Following these basic safety tips will keep your pets cool and happy throughout the heat.

Protecting Your Pets From the Sun

Pets need sunscreen during the hot days to protect them from the sun’s harmful effects. You just need to concentrate on the areas that are more exposed such as the ears, nose and lips. Sunscreen for pets come in either the lotion or the spray form. Protecting your pets will prevent sunburn, which can result in the same painful symptoms as humans.

Keeping Your Pets Hydrated in the Summer

Pet Fountain

Provide your pets with plenty of water to prevent dehydration. Use a portable pet fountain to encourage your pet to drink plenty of fluids. This is a convenient way to keep your pets hydrated without having to constantly checking their water bowl. You pets will be impressed with their new fountain, so much that they will keep coming back to check it out.

Outdoor Activities for Pets in the Summer

Limit the amount of activities that your pets do on hot days. Too much exertion will result in excess sweating. Take even more precaution with younger or elderly pets such as dogs. If you do decide to go for a walk, choose the coolest time of the day such as before 10 a.m. and in the evenings when the sun cools down. Walk with extra water for when your pet gets thirsty.

Convenient Self-Cooling Pad for Pets

Another simple, yet effect way to ensure that your furry friends are cool this summer, is to give them a pet self-cooling mat to help reduce the heat as they relax. As they slowly get used to their new cooling device, they will head straight for it whenever they are ready to relax.

Cooling Down Your Dog During Summer Walks

Walk your dog in style, while protecting him from the harmful effects of the Sun’s rays. A dog cooling vest is great for preventing pet sunburn as well as consistently cools down your pet while you take him for his daily walk.

Signs of Heatstroke in Pets in the Summer

Learning to recognize signs of heatstroke can save your pet’s life. Don’t ignore signs such as staring, panting, rapid heartbeat, warm skin, vomiting or anxiety. Planning for the hot summer days is the best way to keep your pets safe and happy during this fun season.

Pet Grooming: Why it is a Necessity

Grooming your pet does not stop at just smelling fresh and looking fabulous. Pet grooming has more benefits than you may think. Whether you believe it or not, while you are taking the time to make your pet look its best, you are also building and strengthening the bond between both of you. Regular maintenance can make grooming an enjoyable experience for everyone, especially your pet. The more often you groom your pet, the more efficient you will be at it. Although some tasks may be difficult to do at home, in between professional grooming appointments, you should still perform some basic regular maintenance on your own.

Grooming Supplies

There are many different types of grooming supplies, designed to make your job more efficient. For example, dogs that have long hair or hair that gets matted easily, may get scared when it’s time for grooming. A De-Matting comb will do wonders for your dog, as the comb will go smoothly through the matted hair. Other grooming supplies include nail trimmers, slicker brushes, and grooming combs.

Pet Grooming Kit

Brushing your pet’s hair regularly helps remove dead hair, dirt and other debris. During the brushing process, the gentle stroke of the brush can help to soothe your pet’s nerves. A calming touch throughout the grooming session, also helps your pet to get used to human touch, while strengthening that special bond that you share. Overgrown nails can affect your pet’s appearance as well as cause discomfort. You don’t have to wait until it’s time for a trip to the groomer, using a nail trimmer at home will do the trick. Using a pet toothbrush and toothpaste or dental wipes will keep your pet’s mouth healthy and smelling fresh. Pay attention to the ears, especially the folds while grooming. Your precious pet will feel even more special when you apply these simple grooming tips.