Guinea Pigs: What You Need to Know Before Making Your Choice

Guinea pigs are adorable and friendly, which makes them great pets to have in your home. They are just the right size if you are looking for a pet that is not on the large side. There are different breeds to choose from, some of which have fluffy hair, while others have longer, silkier hair. These cute animals are known to show their joy by making a delightful squeal whenever they see their favorite human friend. As adorable as they may be, guinea pigs have specific needs that you must be able to meet, in order to keep them happy and healthy.

Finding the Time

Assess your schedule to determine if you are ready to add a guinea pig to your family. Children are also responsible for taking care of their pets, as this will teach them how to be responsible when they are adults. You will need to determine if your child is ready to take on all the work that goes with owning a pet or if you will pitch in from time to time. Bringing in another pet if you already have one or some at home, can add additional strain, especially if you have a tight schedule.

Pre-prep For Your Guinea Pig

Before you go on your pet shopping venture, prepare everyone in the home for the newcomer. Children should be taught how to handle a guinea pig to prevent injury. They should be handled with care, especially by younger children. It is easy for small children to accidentally drop or squeeze them. Use a stuffed animal as practice at home. Practice your handling skills by using one hand to hold the bottom of the animal and the other one to support its back.

Everyday Care for Guinea Pigs

Your little friend or friends, if you decide to buy more than one, will need something to gnaw their teeth on, so make sure that you have a small piece of untreated wood or branch to file their teeth down. You may consider buying these cuties in pairs so that they will always have company when you are not around. Your guinea pig’s diet should consist of pellets along with fresh fruits and vegetables.

You should include vitamin C in their diet, since they are unable to produce vitamin C. They should be fed at least two times each day. Give them Timothy hay to help with digestion. Clean water should also be supplied on a daily basis. Cages should be cleaned at least one time per week. Keep your little pets well-groomed by brush their hair once a week. The ones with long hair should be groomed each day.

Human Contact With Guinea Pigs

Interacting with your animal friend often, will help to strengthen the bond between both of you. Spend time interacting with him, making sure that he spend quality time out of the cage, where he can safely explore his new home, while getting regular exercise. Careful planning and preparation in advance will help to ensure a safer, healthier environment, where your pet will live happily for years to come.

Pet Stains & Odors: Tips and Tricks for Removal

Pet stains and odors can be embarrassing, especially if you are having guests over. Unfortunately, this is a common problem that many pet owners have to deal with. A strong odor may indicate that your pet my have a problem that needs to be checked out, but other than that, urine odor is also a a common culprit. From time to time, accidents do happen, so be prepared to do some serious cleaning to keep your surroundings smelling fresh and free from stains. Learn how you can quickly remove odors and stains caused by your pets.

Pet Odor and Stain Removal

Clean pet urine fast to prevent permanent stains. Urine can leave behind a strong odor and hard to remove stains, therefore, it is important that you act fast before it soaks down to the padding under the carpet. To get rid of pet stains and odors, simply follow these steps:

1. Immediately soak up as much urine as possible with paper towel before cleaning the area. Use paper towel to thoroughly blot urine from carpet.

2. Repeat as necessary until you remove as  much urine as possible. Add a few drops of clear dish-washing liquid to some lukewarm water.

3. Dip a strong piece of paper towel or white cloth in the water, then remove it and squeeze out the excess water. Clean the area, while rinsing the cloth in the water after each cleaning.

4. Neutralize stubborn pet odors by adding baking soda to the soiled area or you may lightly spray a mixture of white distilled vinegar and water.


Take the necessary steps to prevent urine accidents from happening again. Try to create an unwelcome presence in the area where your pet would normal relieve himself. Take your pet outdoors more frequently. You may also consider doing some simple training exercises to prevent future stains and odor problems.


One common mistake is to use a steam cleaner for the removal of odors from pet urine. Don’t use this method, as the steam from the cleaner usually causes the stain to set in.

Cats and Dogs: Can They Accept Each Other?

The saying that cats and dogs can’t get a along have been around for a long time. However, these two species of pets can live together in harmony, as long as you make some necessary adjustments.

If you are an animal lover, it would be disappointing to not be able to have a variety of pets in your home. Although the transition may take some time, in the end you will achieve your goal. You must be prepared to make the necessary arrangements to ensure that each of your pets are comfortable in their own way. Here are some basic tips that will keep both you and your furry friends contented and free from drama.

Pre-Introduction Period for Cats and Dogs

Part of getting your cats and dogs to live together in peace, is to introduce them at an early age as possible. The older the animals are, the more difficult it is to get them to accept each other. When there is a new comer in the home, whether it is a cat or a dog, wait a few days before bringing them in the same area. This will allow each of them adequate time to get used to the scent of each other. This time period will also allow them to get accustomed to the sounds of the other animal.

The Introduction  of Your Cat and Dog Pets

Gradually introduce them, without forcing them to interact. Choose an area that is free from distraction for the introduction. If you have another person in the room, keep each pet at a reasonable distance from each other. If you are the only one in the room, you may want to firmly place your hands on each animal to soothe their fears and provide a sense of comfort. Supervise them during the session to make sure that there are no fighting. Reward each pet with a pet treat if they behaved well during the session.

Personal Space Between Cats and Dogs

Eliminate fights between your cats and dogs by providing them with their personal space. Accommodate your cat by creating an area that is suitable for just the cat. This will ensure that she will have somewhere to retreat to if she feel threatened or just wants to be left alone.

Place things such as a scratching post, cat toys and the litter box in this area. Since your dog may feel jealous, you should also give him his own crate and toys in aseparate corner. Feeding time can trigger fights, so make sure that you keep both pets separated during this time. These simple tips should help to create a peaceful environment for everyone.