The Top Picked Hamster Breeds for Pets

All hamsters may seem alike, but each breed has it’s own characteristics, which sets it apart from the rest. After mulling over the idea, you finally decided to adopt or purchase a pet hamster. This is an important decision, and needs to be carefully thought out. Hamsters are perfect for a first time pet owner because of their great personality and size. However, not every breed may be perfect for everyone. It is important that you familiarize yourself with the different breeds, and the care that they need to make your hamster pet comfortable and feel right at home.

Most Popular Breeds

Syrian Hamsters: These adorable hamsters, often referred to as Teddy Bear hamsters, are at the top of the list of the most popular hamster breeds. You can find them in a variety of colors such as white, golden, cream, and cinnamon. Housing for Syrian hamsters should be big, with no other hamsters living in it, as they enjoy being alone in their cage. Place hay in the cage so that your hamster can use it make bedding as well for food. Your pet hamster will need a lot of exercise while he is in his cage. The perfect toy to suit his needs is a hamster wheel. Another toys that will keep him occupied is a tube, which can be purchased or made at home. These species of hamsters are normally more active at nights.

Dwarf Hamsters: This breed of hamster is smaller than the Syrian species. They are available in many different colors to suit your taste. Since they are more sociable than the Syrian hamsters, they can be kept in pairs in the same cage. You may consider keeping them in pairs of the same gender, to prevent breeding. Small children should be monitored when handling them, as they are very swift and can get injured easily.

Caring for Your Hamster

Your little hamster friend will need to chew something continuously to slow down the growth of its teeth, and keep it in good condition. Chewing on a wooden toy or a hard biscuit, will help to file his teeth down. The diet should consist of pellets, mixed seeds, grains, fresh fruits, vegetables, Timothy hay, and treats. The right diet will supply your furry friend with the nutrition to keep him healthy and energetic.

House Cleaning

It is important that you keep your hamster’s cage clean each day. This include throwing out stale food from the day before, supplying clean water, discarding droppings and removing dirty bedding. Syrian hamsters needs to have their hair brushed at least once a week, using a soft bristle brush. Carefully trim your pet’s nail if the nails start to grow too long.

Tips for Successfully Housetraining Your Dog

House training your dog is the best way to prevent accidents from happening inside the home. Each dog is different, so the time it will take to housebreak them may vary. The age of the dog also plays an important part as well. Puppies find it difficult to hold their urine for long periods of time, while adult dogs may need to be retrained, especially if they are trying to adapt to a new home. Whether you are training a puppy or an adult dog, the key to success is using the right methods. Here are some tips that will make house training your pet a success.

A Firm Hand

Be firm with your dog when house training him. This doesn’t mean that you should scare your dog or punish him. Choose a specific command to use if the dog goes out of boundary. You may use a simple command such as “out,” and use it whenever you are taking your dog outside. Pick a special area where the dog will eliminate when he goes outside. During the training process, be sure to reward your pet with his favorite treats or walks each time he eliminates in the right area.

The Right Timing

Puppies can normally last for the amount of hours that are comparable to his age, before needing to go. However, it is recommended that you take your puppy outside regularly, which will depend on the type of food that is eaten and the amount. Other times include when they get up in the mornings, after meals, after a nap, and before bedtime. Some times your pet may show signs that they need to go. Some of the signs are pacing, scratching the door turning around in circles or barking.

Crate Training

Crate training can be effective when used correctly to house train puppies. Purchase a crate that is not too big, just large enough for the puppy to stand up and turn around in. This will encourage them to control their urge when they want to relieve themselves. The crate is also a nice, relaxing place to go when your dog feel the need to go somewhere quiet. Create a specific area for adult dogs in a section of the house such as the garage
or the kitchen. After getting accustomed to this special area, your dog will want to keep it clean, so he will tend to relieve himself outdoors, rather than there.

Making it Work

To be successful at house training your pet dog, you will need to be consistent. Set a schedule for each day and bring your dog to the same spot daily. Sometimes your dog may want to play before he goes or he may immediately relieve himself as soon as he is taken outside. Encourage everyone in your household to join in the housebreaking, so that the training will be more effective. They should use the same command as you and take the dog to the same area each time. Depending on the dog, it may take anywhere from 4 months to 12 months to be completely house trained. Keep in mind that your dog may still have accidents when you bring him to a strange house.

When to Get Help

Sometimes certain medical conditions such as gastrointestinal problems or urinary tract infection can cause your dog to eliminate inside. You may want to visit your vet in order to pinpoint the actual problem, especially if your dog is passing watery stool. In the case of mild gastrointestinal problems, you may simply need to make some necessary diet changes.

Human Foods that Pets Should not Eat

As a concerned pet owner, you may be wondering about the types of foods that are not safe for pets. Some common treats and foods that we eat every day could possibly cause harm to your pets if consumed. Although it may be tempting sometimes to share your favorite treats or foods with your animal friend, you need to be aware that some foods can pose a threat to your pet’s health. Anyone who owns a pet should have a list of the types of food that are not safe for them. Everyone in your household should familiarize themselves with this list to avoid feeding pets foods that are toxic to them.


Chocolate, especially the one that is used for cooking and baking, is at the top of the list of the most dangerous foods for pets. Pets who consume a large quantity of chocolate may seem okay at first, but eventually will start to show symptoms. Some of these symptoms include difficulty breathing, vomiting, diarrhea, tremors, and fever. Your pet’s health can quickly take a turn for the worst in a matter of hours.


Be careful when eating nuts around your pet. Certain nuts such as macadamia and walnut are not safe foods for dogs or other types of pets. Unfortunately, you may not always be aware that your pet ate nuts. Therefore, it is imperative that you know how to identify the symptoms that usually occur after eating nuts. Symptoms in dogs include vomiting, weakness, tremors, high temperature and paralysis. Some of these symptoms typically starts 12 hours after eating the nuts.

Other Toxic Pet Foods

There are other foods and plants that are dangerous to pets. Food such as raisins, grapes, avocado, onions, chives, garlic, raw meat, bones, caffeine, alcohol and candy are also not safe for pet consumption. To stay on the safe side, it’s best to just feed your pets food that are specifically made for them. Even some plants such as poinsettias, can be toxic, so keep on eye on the little guys when they are outdoors. If you are unsure of what to feed your pets, consult a veterinarian for suggestions.