Tag Archives: buy scratching post online

Scratching Posts: Why do Cats Need Them?

Scratching Post
Scratching Post

Scratching posts have become an essential piece of cat furniture for many cat owners. Cats are known to scratch anything that looks enticing to them, including your beautiful furniture. This is a normal behavior for cats, passed down from the older generation of cats. People have always wondered why cats scratch objects. Researchers have come up with some answers that will leave you pleasantly surprised. Find out the answers and learn how you can satisfy your cat’s need to scratch, while protecting your prized possessions in your home.

Why Cats Need to Scratch

Having a cat comes with the risks of having some of your furniture sporting a new look, cat claw marks. Most likely you plan to have your can around for a long time, which means that you will have to come up with a solution. It is typical of humans to have curious minds, so it is natural for us to want to know what causes this scratching behavior. According to animal researchers, cats have a good reason to scratch. Some of the reasons why cats scratch include: they want to communicate with other cats (their claws leave marks and their paws leave a scent), to shed their claws, and to stretch.

Keeping Your Cat Happy

Divert your cat’s attention away from your furniture by disguising it in a way that will change her mind from scratching. Protect your furniture with furniture protectors. Now that you have done that, you will need to have a scratching post ready and waiting for your cat. It may be best if you purchase more that one scratching posts and put them near the object that your cat normally enjoys scratching. As the days go by, and your cat gets used to her new scratch post, you may move them, one at a time, to a more desirable location in the house. Check out the price and availability of scratch posts on Amazon. You may also read customer reviews about this scratching post as well.

SmartCat Ultimate Scratching Post

Tips to Attract Cats to a Scratching Post

Some cats may need a little push when it comes to using a scratching post. Many cat owners have found catnip to be useful when encouraging their cats to use the posts. You may hang bags of catnip on the post or sprinkle the catnip at the base of each post. Reward your cat with its favorite treat each time he uses the post to scratch. Don’t forget to give him a lot of praises as well. In little to no time, your furniture will be a distant memory to your cat.